The pastoral arm is
responsible for church planting, health and growth and to guard the flocks and
the church doctrine. NEC members are elected into office every 5years as per
the constitution. Elections are also held for women, children and youth department
office bearers.
FGCK has a registered Retirement Benefits Scheme and a savings and credit Sacco (FUGO). The two welfare schemes are important to members self development and safety after retire. These are welfare schemes for both pastoral and project staff working with the church and are responsible for staff welfare and development.
The church has got four bible schools. These are Koru, Mt Kenya, Nairobi and Koibatek. It is also in the process of acquiring a plot in Mombasa Is for the construction on another customized bible school and a hostel. All FGCK pastors are required to at least attend a certificate course with FGCK Bible school(s) for induction into service.